Fundraising Insights Groups

I run a series of insights groups which bring together charities to share data, insight and learnings on key areas of fundraising such as virtual events, community fundraising and in memory fundraising.

Drawing on data supplied by participating charities I produce benchmarks, trends and analysis which is shared in confidence with group members. Each insight group has quarterly workshops attended by 3 representatives per charity to discuss insights from the benchmarks and current key opportunities and challenges.

The insights groups enable charities to benchmark their performance, broaden their sector knowledge and build their networks in a confidential, supportive setting.

Charities can join an insight group at any time. Further information on each group is below. To join or discuss further contact me at

Virtual events insights group

How will virtual events perform this year? What type of events will perform best in the market? Which fundraising platforms are producing the best virtual events results? How can we maximise participant acquisition, fundraising and retention? Will virtual events participants go on to support my charity again? The virtual events insights group brings together charities to share learnings and discuss these issues and more. By producing virtual events benchmarks every 6 months we track the market performance. In interactive workshops we share key learnings in confidence and brainstorm solutions to challenges.

Membership of the group includes:

  • Quarterly workshops for 3 representatives per charity on key trends and opportunities including adapting to hybrid events and maximising gaming and streaming

  • Quarterly action learning set sessions for Head/lead virtual events fundraisers to discuss strategic issues

  • 6 monthly virtual events performance benchmarks covering ROI, CPA, remittance rates, average raised per participant and comparative data by event activity and platform

  • 6 monthly networking calls for Fundraising Directors to share key learnings

Community fundraising insights group

How is Community fundraising recovering from the pandemic? What is the most effective team structure to enable your charity to maximise income and engagement from community supporters? Which community fundraising income streams, products and activities will perform best over the coming year?

The Community fundraising insights group brings together charities to discuss the future of community fundraising. By sharing data in confidence we benchmark performance and compare results generated by differing community fundraising models. We review the performance of supporter journeys and products to assess how to best drive supporter acquisition, fundraising and retention.

Membership of the group includes:

  • Quarterly workshops for 3 representatives per charity on key trends and opportunities

  • Community performance benchmarks covering ROI, average raised per fundraiser, comparative income growth by model

  • 6 monthly networking calls for Fundraising Directors to share key learnings