Catherine Miles Consulting

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Helping you grow your fundraising

Strategy, insights groups, mentoring and training

How can you make every pound and hour your organisation invests in fundraising work as hard as possible? How can you access sector benchmarks and gain insight from other charities? How can you adapt your fundraising programme to grow post the pandemic? How can you train and develop your fundraisers?

Drawing on my experience as Fundraising Director at Anthony Nolan, Breast Cancer Now and Battersea I can:

Give you access to shared data and insight from other charities on key income streams of interest to you. By joining one of my insight groups you can benchmark your performance and build your team’s sector knowledge

Review your current Fundraising programme and work with you to develop the right fundraising strategy for you - including sharing insight from over 60 charities on how to grow income post the pandemic

Mentor, coach and train your Fundraising team to grow their skills and effectiveness

Since the start of coronavirus I’ve been holding free Zoom calls with small groups of Fundraising Directors and Heads, discussing how the pandemic is impacting their fundraising and sharing ideas on how to adapt. Over 60 charities are now in the groups. If you’d like to join one of these calls do contact me at or click here:

Fundraising Reviews

What is the right fundraising strategy for you? How do you know if an activity is performing well or could do better? I can review your current fundraising programme or specific areas to assess performance and benchmark against best practice. Working with you, I can develop the right fundraising strategy for your charity.

Fundraising insights groups

Join one of my fundraising insights groups and get access to confidential benchmarking, insight and analysis. Develop your team’s market knowledge and peer networks through insight group workshops. Current insight groups cover: virtual events; community fundraising; and in memory fundraising (starting shortly)

Developing your Fundraisers

Your fundraising staff are a key asset. I can mentor, coach and train fundraisers to develop their skills and expertise. Via 121 and group sessions I can equip fundraisers to transition into management or leadership roles; grow internal talent to enable you to succession plan; and help drive cultural change. Investing in your fundraisers will grow your fundraising and improve staff retention.

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Catherine Miles

I have been a professional Fundraiser for over 20 years. After leading teams specialising in Trusts and Major Gifts at Mencap and Shelter, where I led a major Appeal, I joined Anthony Nolan as Fundraising Director. In 7 years at Anthony Nolan I tripled net income, introduced an innovative relationship fundraising approach and Anthony Nolan won the 2014 Virgin Money London Marathon charity of the year adoption. In 2016 I joined Breast Cancer Now as Fundraising Director, leading a team delivering £29m voluntary income and driving growth in flagship mass participation products such as Wear it Pink.

I joined Battersea as Fundraising Director in January 2019, leading a multi-functional team of 65 raising £43m, securing significant investment in Individual Giving to fund the organisational strategy.

Throughout my career I’ve been passionate about building teams and helping fundraisers develop. I’ve used bespoke training, coaching and Insights profiles to develop teams’ skills and knowledge, leading to improved staff retention and high team performance.

I am a frequent speaker and panellist at fundraising conferences and events.

“Catherine enabled Debra to develop our major donor programme. We were aiming to take prospects from our special event programme and cultivate them for major gifts. Catherine devised and delivered bespoke best practice training in major gift fundraising for the team, and provided 121 mentoring and sounding board advice on donor strategy. As a result, our major donor income grew by 5 times in a year and the team’s skills, knowledge and confidence have been transformed.”

Hugh Thompson, Director of Fundraising & Communications, Debra

Get in touch for an initial discussion:

07970 449491